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Sailor Mercury's Site 2

You are the 10097th friendly person to visit my site since March 26th, year 2000 (Y2K).

This site is made completely of OUR OWN PICTURES. PLEASE DO NOT STEAL THEM. I know some of you will anyways, but I wish you wouldn't. If you want these pictures so bad why don't you adopt them?? (I am setting up a picture adoption program)

The above is a collage of images from Sailor Moon S the Movie. I recently was given a subtitled un-cut version of it. It was rated PG-13 mainly because Sailor Neptune and Sailor Uranus are lezbians. You wouldn't know they were from the movie without prior knowledge so it is a pointless arguement (from Cartoon Network's Side).

Click on the image above to hear the Sailor Moon theme sond music.

4-8-2000->I've added the following sections:Bullets and Bars, Sponsors, other gallery Links, Biographies, Adopt-a-picture, and more. I'm not done with all of them, have just gotten started.

4-7-2000->I'm done with the information on the Sailor Starlights. I'm considering the addition of more pictures for them.

4-6-2000-> Finally got back from England. Sorry for the delay. I'm going to add a Sailor Starlights section.

3-20-2000->It's my B-Day. I'll be leaving for England soon so there will be a week or two of nothing happening. I've added The Group Shots section and the Moon Kitties section. I also added some images to the animated section.

3-2-2000->I'm setting up an Adoption program for the images and have added more pics.

3-1-2000->I've added moving images.

2-29-2000->I got more images and made a title image with matching dividers.

2-27-2000->I've just now gotten started and am sorta lost. Do you have any good pictures?? I could use 'em. Well, sort of. Most (at least half) of my pictures are way too big and become distorted when you shrink them.

This site was created by Mistress Kitten (aka Kit Kat). All who attempt to violate my rights by taking things from these pages will be beaten with many large spoons. Sailormoon and all other characters mentioned here are © Naoko Takeuchi, Kodansha, Toei Animation, etc. This is a fan web site and is not for profit.

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This Luna and Artemis Defense Ring site is owned by Kit Kat.

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